Understanding Leadership for Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century

Understanding Leadership for Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century 

Event Details

Date: 31st July 2024

Time: 13:00pm - 14:00pm

CPD: 1 hour LCI, FCI (Compliance), CFRCP, CSFCP, Professional Banker, Chartered Banker, Certified Bank Director, Certified Investment Fund Director, Accredited Funds Professional

Fee: Free to Members, €25 to Non Members

Online: GoTo Webinar 


The competitive advantage of the twenty-first century is increasingly derived from hard-to-copy intangible assets such as company culture and leadership effectiveness.  


This webinar explores the role of the leader and how senior leaders can put in place a process to improve leadership at all levels within the organisation to improve performance and manage change.


Mick O’Brien

Using experience gained over 28 years in The Defence Forces, including ten years lecturing on Military Studies, Leadership and Communications in The Military College and experience in senior management positions, Mick has developed and delivered a range of Leadership and Organisational Change programmes to management at the highest levels.

Clients have included senior teams in the private and public sectors, including the HSE, Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council, Eircom, ESB Networks, The Defence Forces and the National Ambulance Service.

Building on his experience as a leader and as a lecturer he has developed and delivered bespoke leadership programmes within these organisations. Drawing in particular on the works of Professors Albert Bandura, Martin Seligman, Edgar Schein and John Kotter, the programmes have helped senior management successfully develop their organisation’s culture and effective leadership at all levels.

Since 2018, Mick has lectured for SETU Carlow on the Level 9 Certificate in Leadership for Performance and Change, Level 8 Certificate in Effective Leadership and Change Management and Level 7 Certificate in Leadership Mindsets and Performance programmes as well as delivering leadership training independently within companies.


The Compliance Institute's CPD Programme is designed specially to support the compliance professional in developing the skills and competences required to perform their role and is also a requirement to maintain your Compliance Institute designation. For more information on Compliance Institute designations, click here.

For a full list of our upcoming CPD events, click here.

31/07/2024 13:00 - 14:00
GMT Daylight Time
Registration is closed.