MSc in Compliance


Programme Overview

The MSc in Compliance is a level 9 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications, provided by Compliance Institute's education partner, IOB, a recognised college of UCD, is aimed at those who work in a control function within a financial services organisation and will be of particular interest to compliance managers and senior managers together with those aspiring to these roles.

The programme is designed to give compliance and other control professionals the knowledge and skills they need to implement effective compliance structures and enhance the overall internal governance structures of organisations. It will provide participants with the multi-disciplinary skills to participate more effectively in compliance management and to understand a practical application of compliance best practice.

The programme is delivered on a part-time basis over 24 months, students can register for a maximum of two modules per semester. It comprises of eight modules and an Applied Project. Modules consist of up to 30 delivery hours per semester.

How you will benefit:

On successful completion of the MSc in Compliance, graduates will be able to:

• Critique current issues and developments across a broad curriculum in compliance and regulatory risk.

• Evaluate the requirements and responsibilities of ensuring robust compliance within a regulated organisation.

• Critically analyse key business challenges and ethical dilemmas faced by organisations when striving to improve business performance       in regulated environment.

• Synthesise theory and best practice to implement effective compliance and governance in an organisation.

• Appraise the role of the compliance function in maintaining a consumer-focused culture in an organisation.

• Illustrate the practical skills needed to develop productive relationships in a team and across the organisational to support embedding      a positive compliance culture.

Taking up an ACOI Designation:


On successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded with a MSc in Compliance from UCD.

Graduates who complete the MSc in Compliance will be invited to apply for the designation ‘Fellow of Compliance Institute’ and use the designatory letters FCI. FCI is the highest-level designation Compliance Institute offers its members. Continued use of this designation is subject to meeting Compliance Institute’s CPD requirements.


The full programme fee is €14,260. 


This programme has IFS Skillnet funding available for certain companies. You should check if your company has IFS Skillnet approval. The IFS Skillnet fee is €10,020.



IFS Skillnet logo

How to Apply

  1. You will need to be a current member of Compliance Institute to register for this programme.
  2. Register for this programme through our education provider, IOB. 

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about the MSc in Compliance, or any other education programme:

Contact: [email protected]