Cybersecurity Part 1 - What really happens when you click the link?

Cybersecurity - What really happens when you click the link? 

Event Details

Date: 6th February 2024

Time: 13:00pm - 14:00pm

CPD: 1 hour LCI, FCI (Compliance), CFCP, CDPO, CFRCP

Fee: €25 to Members, €35 to Non Members

Online: GoTo Webinar 


This masterclass will focus on phishing within a cybersecurity context. 


So what happens if you receive a phishing email or a phishing SMS and you click that nefarious link within the message?


What will a hacker be able to do and see with your laptop or phone once you have clicked that link?


The session will discuss preventative measures around phishing, so we can protect ourselves and company/organisations Intellectual Property from cybersecurity threat actors.  


Dr James Egan is a lecturer in Information Security at the South East Technological University (SETU) since 2018. He is also the programme director of the MSc in Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust at SETU and teaches on the Cybercrime and IT Security Bachelors programme in areas such as GRC (Governance, Risk Management and Compliance), Digital Forensics and Computer Networking. James spent a decade in the Kingdom of Bahrain working at Bahrain Polytechnic where he had roles such as Head of School of ICT and Web Media and the Program Manager of the Computer Networking programme. Highlights of the time in the middle east included the setup of a country wide Artificial Intelligence (AI) competition with Microsoft, which subsequently has led to the establishment of an AI Academy. James’s industrial experience is related to roles as a Computer Network engineer. James has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Networking and a PhD in Optical Telecommunications, both from SETU.    


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06/02/2024 13:00 - 14:00
GMT Standard Time
Registration is closed.